What is the best way do deal
with excessive worry, suffering and problematic entanglement? It might be by
learning to delight in these four blossoming forces in a gentle and unhurried
way: even if the flowering lasts but one season, it can bring you joy for many
years to come.
Oftentimes we need to
distinguish between a true friend and a fleeting affection. We face such challenges all our lives.
What about that another way
your desire expresses itself, often called ONENESS? You always begin with the ABC
and only later become truly literate. The same holds true for human
interaction as well.
It truly helps if you know
what stage you’re in, as each situation – good or bad – is an opportunity for
learning and growing as a person. Choosing properly what to do
and what not to do is key.
For example, there should be
no place for deceit, cunning and manipulation, as they only set you up against
yourself. Instead, one should practice common sense and empathy in order to
help pinpoint the other person’s roadblocks.
A true expression of one of
these four desires never results in unrequited love.
Every day gives us a chance to
meet someone new. Every day we should keep our minds open toward
potential collaborators who might help us accomplish our vision for improving
our society and making it stronger: a true friend is one that stands by you and
offers support in such ways that you are able to complement and enhance each
other’s personalities.
HUMAN LIFE carries with it a lot of responsibility as well as potential reward. Every person can be useful in the right ways. Everyone has a destiny, vocation and certain duty at a given time and situation.
Event on the 12th of February 2017
Test drawings made during the conversation
* * *
Event on the 24th of April 2017
Furthering our dialogue about the coming into being of such emotional energies as Love, we should first understand the main obstacles that sometimes get in the way of this manifestation of perfection. Our video shows a clear example of how, while trying to emulate and appropriate the success and happiness of others, we sometimes forget about our own uniqueness. Through such behaviour, we not only waste our precious time and visual appearance but even our essence: rather unfortunately, we may make ourselves invisible and closed against genuine happiness, well-being and love.
What one has to learn is to be happy about other people being successful and to help them persist and thrive.
Only having reached this level of development, our true innate talents can open up, and so do all the valid roads to perfection. By contrast, envy, resentment and bigotry, even in their subtlest forms, thwart our growth toward our exceptional and abundant true nature. Whichever key we try, that door will just not open until we stop being busy appropriating other people's lives.
The Universe has moulded humans in certain ways, which aren't ours to change. Everyone should focus first and foremost on developing his or her emotional realm, guided by the ideal of its imminent perfection. High emotional sensitivity equates in an important way with abundance – no matter if one lives in a palace or a tiny flat.
Event on the 16th of June 2017
To be continued.....
Look carefully at the picture!
What You can relate?
An excellent study for reflection in all directions of communication.
Author : Inese